Saturday, January 28, 2012

Charade No. 23

Tho' my first to my second gives birth,
In their age no distinction prevails;
In my whole they are one, which on earth,
As the parent of rest, labor hails.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Charade No. 22

My first's the foe of rats and mice,
My next you'll meet with in a fair;
My third of various form and price,
Oft decorates a lady's hair:
My whole, in foreign climes is said
To form a mansion for the dead.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Charade No. 21

My first I hope you are;
My second I see you are;
And my whole I know you are.

Charade No. 20

My first is a plaything;
My second few play with;
My third [whole] plays with nobody.