Saturday, November 10, 2012

Charade No. 31

Oh! dear loved first, without thy useful aid,
This my charade would never have been made.
My second modern misses think the fashion,
By giving way to an imprudent passion;
My whole in Homer's Odyssey you'll find,
A noble pattern for all womankind.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Charade No. 30

When Strephon tells his tender tale,
To Celia, young and gay,
Without my first, the melting strains
Would die unheard away:

But if the gentle nymph inclines
His passion to approve;
By them, ere long my second's sought,
To crown their virtuous love.

Possest [possessed] of this, 'tis ten to one,
Before the year goes round,
Attending near her lovely cheek,
My tout-ensemble's [whole] found.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Charade No. 29 - En Français!

Charades began in France; here is one in French.

Jeunes fillettes, mon premier
Souvent occupe vos pensées;
Vous sentez que dans mon dernier
Vous pourriez être delaisses.
Songez donc vite à mon entiere,
Mais gardez-vous a être abusées;
Tel qui parait souple est altier,
Et par de faux dehors les femmes sont trompées.

J'espère que tu apprécies!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Charade No. 28 - Answer unknown (so far!)

I have published answers available for many, but not all, of the Regency charades I have collected. This one appeared on a folding fan; I have not yet found a copy that includes an answer.

My first some often take
Entirely for my second's sake.
But very few indeed there are
Who both together well can bear.

I look forward to seeing your guesses!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Charade No. 27

A liquor, my first, of true English make,
Sometimes of an Evening a glass-full I take;
And when I have friends, such as Herry or Jem,
My next, with my first I fill up to the brim:
How smart in my closet, my total (whole) appears,
A place it has had there a number of years.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Charade No. 26

My first is a serpent, my next is a rag, my third
is you and me, and my whole is a vegetable.

A few of the charades, like this one, didn't rhyme.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Charade No. 25

My first, 'tis true, may be a wound,
And give both smart and woe;
But if my second's constant found,
It sooths full many a throe;
My whole in vain its edge may boast
To awe the gallant tar,
Whose valour guards the British coast,
And mocks the din of war.


Friday, February 10, 2012

Charade No. 24

Chloe I love, and yet I plainly see
That I my first from her shall soon receive;
Yet she's the very second made for me,
And that she loves me I would fain believe;
But all her anxious friends around her cry,
"He has my whole; 'tis madness to comply."

(quotes added)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Charade No. 23

Tho' my first to my second gives birth,
In their age no distinction prevails;
In my whole they are one, which on earth,
As the parent of rest, labor hails.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Charade No. 22

My first's the foe of rats and mice,
My next you'll meet with in a fair;
My third of various form and price,
Oft decorates a lady's hair:
My whole, in foreign climes is said
To form a mansion for the dead.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Charade No. 21

My first I hope you are;
My second I see you are;
And my whole I know you are.

Charade No. 20

My first is a plaything;
My second few play with;
My third [whole] plays with nobody.